There are many types of local posts and cinderella stamps. Here is an attempt to clarify them.
1. LOCAL POSTS - five types.
a) PUBLIC, local delivery - Local stamps are used to prepay the delivery of mail within a city, island or region. Sometimes they prepay express mail (same day or overnight service). Only the local stamps are used and the mail is delivered by the Local Post's employees and does not go through the national Post Office system. Examples - Many 19th Century Local Posts, Hawai'i Post, Lord Howe Island Courier Post .These are genuine local posts as they provide a real service and the stamps and covers are very collectable.
b) PUBLIC, national or international delivery - Local stamps are used to pay for the transport of mail from an island or place (that has no branch of the national Post Office) to the nearest branch of the national Post Office or to the nearest Post Office in another country. National stamps are also attached so that the mail can be delivered by the national Post Office system or internationally. Local stamps in the past were often attached to the back of an envelope, nowadays they are usually attached to the left front (the law having been changed in the U.K. for example) - the top right front is usually reserved for national stamps. This kind of local post is available to the general public on the island or place. Examples - Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean), Herm, Hustadvika, Kaulbach Island, Rattlesnake Island etc. These are genuine local posts as they provide a real need for a small population and the stamps and covers are very collectable.
c) PRIVATE - Local stamps are used to pay for the transport of mail from a place (that has no branch of the national Post Office) to the nearest branch of the national Post Office. This kind of local post is a private service, usually restricted to one person, family or business and not available to the general public. (Very often operated by an individual from their own home with local stamps placed on their outgoing mail). These kind of Local Posts are purely philatelic and done for the fun of it. Examples - Pineapple Post, Shrub Oak Local Post etc.
d) RAILWAY (RAILROAD) POSTS - Railway (Railroad) stamps are used to transport mail from one railway (railroad) station to another along the railway (railroad) line. Also from one station to another station and then onto the nearest branch of the national Post Office, if national stamps are attached also. Examples - Snowdon Mountain Railway, Talyllyn Railway, etc. These railway (railroad) posts often provide a real service for the transportation of mail and the stamps and covers are very collectable.
e) AIRMAIL POSTS - Non-government airmail stamps are used to transport mail by plane from one place to another. Also they were often specially issued for an experimental or first flight. Examples - L'Aero Club Populaire de Nice et de la Riviera, Klondike Airways Ltd., etc. These airmail posts often provide a real service for the transportation of mail and the stamps and covers are very collectable.
2. CINDERELLAS - two types.
a) Real places.
These are often labels that look like stamps and used to advertise an actual place, event, charity, product or to make a political or religious statement and placed on envelopes together with the regular stamps of a nation. They are often called poster stamps. They do not prepay any local post. Examples - Ekko stamps. also a hotel, a town, a resort, a Stamp Show, an event, a politician running for office.
b) Fantasy places.
These are artistic creations made to look like stamps and with made-up names. These are also called "artistamps". Examples - Ailinglapalap, Bolt Post, Ittoqqoortoormit, Wotje. These are obviously not real postage stamps to anyone with even a little knowledge of stamp collecting and geography.
These are the most dangerous because they look like real stamps from an actual country or place. Upon closer inspection however, they are bogus because the name of the place is real, but:-
a) It has been changed slightly. e.g. Somaliland & Somalia etc.
b) The place is in some kind of turmoil (Russian republics in the Caucauses for example) where it is hard to find anyone in real authority who can attest to their validity or not. e.g. Abhkazia, Chechnya etc.
c) No genuine local post exists, as it is actually a very small uninhabited island or bunch of rocks. e.g. - Redonda, Steep Holm etc.
d) No genuine local post exists, even though it has a small population. e.g. Easdale Island.
d) No genuine local post exists, even though it claims to be a breakaway region of a country. e.g. Dagestan, Occusi Ambeno, Republik Maluku Selatan.
TYPE 1 LOCAL POSTS - these are the genuine ones.
A) Currently in operation.
- Abhkazia (Republic of Abkhasia) - A former breakaway region of the Republic of Georgia in Central Asia. A Russian visitor to Abhkazia has confirmed to the webmaster by e-mail that stamps were being issued and used for a local post. However, there are also stamps being offered on the international stamp market bearing the name Abhkazia which are bogus. Caution is advised in buying any stamps of Abhkazia until there is clarification on which stamps were officially issued by the breakaway region for the local post. The U.P.U. has declared the bogus issues as "illegal" in the UPU Circular #50. Not sure of the current status of Abhkazia, as political turmoil seems to have quietened in this area.
- Bluebell Railway, Sussex U.K. They have 2 stamp issues per year. Images of all issues since 2001 at their website, hopefully this will be expanded. They won't sell you single stamps by mail, only sheets of 4. So be prepared to have duplicates if you buy stamps directly from them ! see images
- Bohemia Gold Mines, Cottage Grove, Oregon U.S.A. A current local post run by a Tour Guide who carries mail from the gold miners to the local Post Office for a fee using local stamps. Contact - Ivan Hoyer, 360 Elk Drive, Cottage Grove OR 97424-1049. see images
- Boy Scouts & Girl Guides, postal services operated by. U.K. A very informative website. A 1981 U.K. law allows for local delivery of mail by non-profit groups and charities one month prior to Christmas in direct competition with Royal Mail.
- Brecqhou, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Channel Islands, U.K. 1969 and 1999 to the present day. A small rocky islet off the island of Sark with a helicopter service to the U.K. or by boat to St. Peterport, Guernsey using stamps. The wealthy Barclay brothers (estimated net worth of $1 billion) bought the island, which is a tax haven, in 1993 and built a $100 million gothic-style home on it. The brothers were knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of England in the year 2000 for their donations to charity, estimated to be around $70 million over the past dozen years. Since only the Barclay family inhabits the island, the use of Brecqhou stamps is rather limited. see images
- Caldey Island, Wales U.K. A tourist attraction off the coast of Pembrokeshire with boats from Tenby going to the island every 15 minutes from Easter through October. The main attraction is the beautiful scenery, the monks and their abbey and their shop with their own brand of perfumes, chocolate etc. Their interesting website does not mention anything about stamps, but Caldey Island stamps were introduced in 1973 by the monks as a means of prepaying visitors' mail to Tenby on the mainland - 20 minutes away by boat. The island maintains its own Post Office and has a unique postmark. The stamps are marked "2 dabs" and cost ten pence each. The name "dab" was chosen by the monks to reflect the old idea of barter, the dab being a fish caught in local waters - once the staple diet of the Caldey Islanders. A viewer stated in April 2003 that the local stamps are currently available. see images.
- DX mail, New Zealand. A current local post. (click on "DX stamps" at their website)
- Fastway Post, New Zealand. A current local post. (click on "stamp collectors" at their website).
- Ffestiniog Railway, Wales U.K. Railway stamps from 1969 to present. Some stamps just say "F.R." + "Railway Letter Fee".
- Hawai'i Post - A local post on the island of O'ahu which began operations in May 1997. Hawai'i Post first issued stamps on June 13 2000 and continues to the present-day. All the information you need is at their website.
- Hustadvika, Norway. A present-day local post from a group of islands off the coast of Norway (with no local branch of the Norwegian Post Office) to the mainland. 13 different stamps have been issued so far. see images
- Hutt River Province, Australia. A self-declared independent area in Western Australia with a local postal service from 1971 to present day. Stamps first issued in 1973. For more info - Hutt River Province. See map. See photo of the Main Post Office at Nain (the Capital of Hutt River Province). see images
- Kiruna Mail, Sweden. A local post in Northern Sweden.
- Local Post Collectors Society,
- Lundy, An island three miles long and half a mile wide situated ten miles off the coast of Devon U.K. A genuine local post from 1929 to the present day. There is a small resident population on the island plus thousands of tourists visit each year by boat from Devon. There are even rooms for rent at Lundy's Marisco Castle built by King Henry III in 1244 ! The tourists mail thousands of postcards and other mail each year from Lundy using Lundy stamps with Great Britain stamps attached also for the onward journey from Bideford, Devon. see images
- Mulljsö Lokalpost, Sweden. A current local post. Contact Jan-Erik Wellerfors, Tulegaten 32A, SE-113 53 Stockholm, Sweden.
- Nene Valley Railway, Northamptonshire U.K. From 1997 to present day.
- New Zealand. List of the 30 current local posts in New Zealand. Only a few, such as DX mail (click on DX stamps at their website), Fastway Post (click on "stamp collectors" at their website) and Pete's Post, issue stamps on a regular basis.
- New Zealand. List of stamps issued by local posts. (scroll two thirds of the way down the page to "Issues of Private Postal Services"). Very comprehensive to 2001.
- Norfolk Island. A local post has operated internally since 1947. The letters are delivered within the island for the cost of One penny (1947 - 1966). One cent (1966 - 1980). Five cents (1980 - 2000). Ten cents since then. The current population is about 1500, and they regularly send bills, letters etc to one another. This local post should not be confused with outgoing mail. All mail leaving the island goes via Australia or New Zealand using official Norfolk Island stamps (not local stamps).
- Pabay, Isle of, Scotland U.K. A local post from 1962 to the present day.
- Pete's Post, New Zealand. A current local post on the North Island.
- Rattlesnake Island, Lake Erie, Ohio U.S.A. 1966-1989 and then 2005 to the present day. A genuine local post established August 27 1966 because the island residents had no local U.S. Post Office. The mail was flown by a 1928 Ford Tri-motor plane of Island Airlines to Port Clinton on the mainland. The first stamp issues were rectangular and were promptly banned by the U.S. Post Office because they looked too much like U.S. stamps. So, the next issues were triangular and the U.S. Post Office relented. The last stamps, depicting owls, were issued on November 20th 1989. However, they have now atarted re-issuing stamps with a release on September 23 2005 of 3 triangular stamps depicting local scenes. There is an excellent catalog of the stamps of the island called "The History and Local Post of Rattlesnake Island, Lake Erie" by John Wells, published in 2003.
- Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway, U.K. In the Lake District. Affectionately known as "La'al Ratty", the 7 miles long railway line was opened in 1875 with a 2ft 9in gauge to bring iron ore from Eskdale to the Furness Railway at Ravenglass. When the quarry closed, it was purchased by a preservation society and converted to a narrow gauge. The train travels through the beautiful countryside of the Lake District in Northern England from Ravenglass, calling at Muncaster Mill, Irton Road, The Green, Beckfoot and then Dalegarth station, near Boot in Eskdale. The Railway carries about 120,000 passengers per year. Railway letter stamps were first issued in 1969. Mail is carried on the trains, prepaid by these stamps plus UK postage stamps for onward delivery.
- Rona, Isle of, Scotland. An island off the Isle of Skye. First issue was released May 1 2003 depicting island scenes. Their website is very informative.
- Sanda Island, Scotland. This island, situated near the Mull of Kintyre in Argyll, issued stamps from 1960-1970. According to their website, 4 new stamps were issued on June 7 2004.
- Sealand, Principality of (official website), Europe. or Sealand - an old World War II concrete platform off the northeast coast of U.K. A self-declared independent nation with passports, stamps, coins etc. About to become a haven for the internet with unregulated websites (although the Principality has said that bulk e-mails, child pornography and hackers are not welcome) with fiber-optic cables connecting to Europe and the world. Probably will end up with offshore financial institutions and gambling. Not much about stamps at either website, but there is a helipad on the fortress and mail can be taken to the mainland (7 miles away) by helicopter. Now that the servers are up and running on the fortress, let's hope they will put up some decent webpages for their stamps at their website. see images
WARNING. A viewer sent the following message about ordering Sealand stamps "After politely responding to my emails and soliciting my order, for which they only accept US notes, and confirming receipt of the order and the funds, they have not sent the stamps that I've ordered and have now refused to respond to my emails, for what is now several months."
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, Wales U.K. - local railway stamps. You used to be able to post your mail with the railway stamps at a mail box near the top of Mount Snowdon, it was then carried down by the railway to onward destinations with U.K. stamps attached also. It may have been discontinued. More info needed.
- Summer Isles, Scotland U.K. A local post from 1970 to the present day. There is one very small village called Tanera Mor on the only inhabited island in the group. During the late 18th century this island was an important herring fishing station but never had a population higher than 70. It is now mostly a Tourist destination with holiday cottages, camping, diving etc. It is reached by the boat "Summer Queen" with regular sailings in the summer months from Ullapool a few miles away on the mainland. See photos and map of the isles. See images
- Talyllyn Railway, Wales U.K. Stamps issued from 1957 to the present day. The track is 6 miles long and mostly carries Tourists. You'll find everything about this railway post at their informative website. However, they won't sell you single stamps by mail, only sheets of 10. So be prepared to have lots of duplicates if you buy stamps directly from them ! see images
- Thirlmere Railway, New South Wales, Australia. More info needed on these railway letter stamps.
- Vale of Rheidol Railway, Wales, U.K. The railway runs from Aberystwyth to Devil's Bridge alongside the River Rheidol. More info needed.
If you know of any current genuine Local Post that is not listed above, please e-mail the information for the benefit of other viewers like you.
B) No longer in operation.
- Aero Club of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1918-1919.
- L'Aero Club Populaire de Nice et de la Riviera, France - Semi-official airmail post via parachute - 1946. Local stamps show plane dropping mail attached to a parachute. Covers have stamps of France attached also.
- Albertville, Congo. The local stamps were used by rebels controlling this area in the early 1960's.
- Australasian New Hebrides Company - local stamps were used on mail transported by their ships interisland and from Port Vila, New Hebrides (now called Vanuatu) to Sydney, Australia in 1897 until September 30th. Ongoing international mail had to have New South Wales stamps attached also. Stamps cancelled from October 1897 onwards are "favor" cancels. see images. This service was followed in 1903 by the Syndicat Francais des Nouvelles Hebrides which also issued their own local stamps for a brief time.
- Bahrain. From 1953 to 1961, 12 stamps were issued with the likeness of Shaikh Sulman and were valid only for local use, although a few slipped through and have shown up on international mail.
- Bangladesh. The former East Pakistan became independent on December 22 1971. From 1971 to 1973, local postmasters privately overprinted the remaining stamps of Pakistan. These were tolerated by the postal authorities for local use.
- Barbe, Etat Souverain de L'Ile (Beard Island). A small island in the river at Lyon, France. During the 1970s, it was declared an independent sovereign state and many stamps were issued. The stamp designs include four of the founders of the state - Don Felix the first Governor; J L Anzanay, Maître queu Carolingien du Gubernatorat; Auguste Bourdi, Communications Director; and Septime André, State Printer. The late Auguste Bourdi was a noted cinderella philatelist and writer in France.
- BCK, Belgian Congo. Railway stamps issued between 1942 and 1970.
- Belfast and Northern Counties Railway, Northern Ireland U.K.
- Biafra, Nigeria - a breakaway region with an internal postal service 1967-1970 that was later recognized for international mail by some countries e.g. France.
- Blackpool Transport Corporation, Lancashire U.K. Newspaper parcel stamps.
- British Columbia Airways Ltd., British Columbia, Canada. Semi-official 5c airmail issue 1928.
- British Columbia Private Courier, Canada. 1980's.
- British European Airways U.K. - local stamps were issued by B.E.A., (now part of British Airways) to carry mail and small packages on their flights to and from the Channel islands and the U.K. mainland. UK stamps were attached also for onward transportation.
- Brunei. Ten stamps (by agreement with the Sultan) were issued in 1895 for local use and to nearby Labuan and Sarawak. International mail had to have Labuan stamps attached also. The first stamps of Brunei valid for international use were Labuan stamps overprinted "Brunei" issued in 1906.
- Cambridge, University of, U.K. An Act of Parliament in 1656 allowed delivery of mail within and between colleges by messengers. Stamps were issued starting in 1882 and ceased in 1886. Queen's College (1883-1886), St John's College (1884-1886) & Selwyn College (1882-1886). The messenger system continues to the present day without any stamps. For reference, "College Stamps of Oxford and Cambridge" by Raymond Lister. Published in 1974 by Harry Hayes, 48 Trafalgar Street, Batley, Yorkshire U.K.
- Canadian Airways Ltd., Alberta & Northwest Territories, Canada. Semi-official 10c airmail issues 1932-1934.
- Cape Roberts Project, Antarctica - Helicopter Mail. Self-adhesive stamps used on mail carried to and from a drilling project inAntarctica . see images
- Carupano, Venezuela. Local stamps issued in 1902-3.
- Cavan & Leitrim Railway Company Ltd., Ireland. More information needed.
- Chautauque Lake Local Post, New York U.S.A. A local post with mail carried on board the ship "For Roligt" (For Fun in Swedish) between towns on Lake Chautauqua (its usual spelling).
- Chechnya, Russia. This small region in the southern Caucauses has been fighting for independence from Russia. Some legitimate local issues have been produced since 1992. The current stamp issues being offered spelled "Chechenia" are bogus. Since Russia is now in control of Chechnya, all issues from January 2000 onwards should be considered as bogus.
- Cherry Red Airlines Ltd., Saskatchewan, Canada. Semi-official 10c airmail issues 1929.
- Chesuncook Lake Tourists Despatch, Maine U.S.A. 1885-1893. Stamps were used to pay postage on mail carried between a Hotel on Chesuncook Lake and the North East Carry, Maine Post Office. 1c green stamp shows a Moose's head.
- Christmas Island, Gilbert & Ellice Islands, Pacific Ocean - a local post operated from a large copra plantation there to Papeete, Établissements Français De L'Oceanie (French Oceanic Settlements - now called French Polynesia) from about 1912 until about 1939. Ongoing international mail had to have French Oceanic Settlements stamps attached also. Currently, Kiribati stamps are used. Do not confuse with Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean - a territory of Australia which issues its own stamps. see images
- Clipperton (off the west coast of Central America) - The Oceanic Phosphate Company used local stamps on the company's mail during the mining of phosphate on the island in the 19th century. The currently uninhabited island is an overseas territory of France and administered from French Polynesia.
- Colombia - a list of local posts and express mail companies.
- Coast Community Local Post, New Zealand. 1980's - more info needed.
- Commercial Airways Ltd., Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1929-1930. (see stamp image at the top of this page). see images
- Commodore Shipping Company, Channel Islands U.K. - local stamps were used to cover the cost of transporting small packages between the three Channel Islands of Guernsey, Alderney and Sark from 1950-1971. These stamps were replaced by those of Guernsey in 1969, but were used again during a postal strike in 1971. see images
- Concord Bicycle Company Public Messenger Service, New Hampshire approx. 1892-1895. A 12 1/2c stamp was issued, only 11 copies are known to have survived. One sold at auction in January 1999 for US$661.25 (including auction fees). Another one sold on Ebay recently for US$1,800. see images
- Coolgardie Cycle Express Company, Western Australia. In 1895, this local post served the isolated newly-discovered eastern goldfields of Western Australia. Three stamps were issued - 1/-, 2/6 and 5/-. see images
- Drammen, Norway. Local post in 1887. More info needed.
- Dublin & South Eastern Railway, Ireland.
- Dunedin & Roslyn Tramway Co. Ltd., New Zealand. A parcel post delivery company which issued a 3d (three pence) stamp in 1851.
- East & West Junction Railway, U.K.
- Edinburgh & Leith Delivery Company, Scotland U.K.
- Jack V. Elliot Air Service, Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1926.
- Elliot-Fairchild Air Service, Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1926.
- Elliot-Fairchild Air Transport, Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1926.
- England-Australia First Aerial Post. Label issued for the 1919 Ross Smith flight. see images
- Estevan-Winnipeg Aerial Mail, Saskatchewan, Canada. Semi-official airmail issue 1924.
- Fiji Times Express, Levuka, Fiji - a local post from 1870 to 1872 with its own stamps. see images
- Juan de Fuca Despatch Carrier Service, British Columbia, Canada. 1968-1990. see images
- Gamble Mansion Local Post. 1958-61. Operated a service from Ellenton to Bradenton, Florida U.S.A.
- Germany. Local posts include - Berlin-Brandenburg, Bessau, Cottbus, Essen, Falkensee, Finsterwalde, Fredersdorf, Gorlitz, Grossachen, Konigsberg, Lauterbach, Lubbenau, Magdeburg, Mecklenburg, Meissen, Niesky, Ost-Sachsen, Plauen, Provinz Sachsen, Rosswein, Spremburg, Storkow, Straussberg, & West Sachsen. Here's a great website with more information.
- Great Barrier Island, New Zealand. A pigeon post in 1899.
- Great Central & Midland Joint Committee (Railway) U.K.
- Grossraschen Post, Germany - 1945.
- Guam Guard Mail, Agana, Guam. Philippine stamps were overprinted "Guam Guard Mail" 1930-31 for local use by the military. Issues have appeared later that are questionable.
- Guayana, Venezuela. Local stamps issued in 1903 by revolutionists.
- Hamburg, Germany.
- Herm, Channel Islands U.K. - a genuine local post which operated from May 26 1949 until September 30 1969. 23 issues were created. On October 1 1969, the Bailiwick of Guernsey stamps replaced those of Herm. There is a small resident population on the island plus thousands of tourists who visit each year by boat from St. Peterport, Guernsey. The Herm local post claimed to have carried 200,000 pieces of mail annually when in operation. see images
- Independent Postal System of America (IPSA). Operated 1968-80. Some stamps issued during its existence.
- International Airlines, Ltd. operated a service known as "Western Air Express" from Plymouth to London via Southampton and Portsmouth, & back using stamps for parcels.
- Jaffna, Ceylon. A local post operated by Tamil rebels which lasted for 4 days in 1961 until the Government closed it down. One stamp was issued
- Jethou, Channel Islands U.K. - a local post operated from 1960 until 1969 when Guernsey stamps replaced those of Jethou. About 500 yards south of Herm, it covers 44 acres. Duke Robert of Normandy gave the island to his master mariner, Restauld, who then became a monk. Later it passed to the Abbey of Mont St Michel, Normandy. In 1416, it became part of King Henry V's estate. It is currently owned by the States of Guernsey. see images
- Kahului Railroad Company, Maui Hawai'i from 1894 to 1899. 8 local stamps issued, of which the 6c and 18c with no gum are quite common. The other values are scarce. They were cancelled by blue or red crayon. see images
- Katanga, Africa. A former breakaway province of the Congo. The local stamps were not recognized for foreign destinations, but some were overlooked and slipped through.
- Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia. see images
- Kaulbach Island, or Kaulbach Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. A popular camping ground for Boy Scouts. A genuine local post from the island to the mainland from 1971 to 1984. Canada Post approved the service provided that the local stamps were affixed to the back of the envelope, with Canadian stamps on the front. see images
- Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, Yorksire U.K. Issued stamps in the past, but not any more.
- Kiev, Ukraine - provisional overprinted Russian stamps issued in 1992. Beware of forgeries.
- Klondike Airways Ltd., Yukon, Canada. Semi-official 25c airmail issue in 1928.
- Kuwait. From 1923 to 1959 overprinted stamps of India were used and these were all valid for local and international use. In 1958, 3 stamps were issued with the likeness of Shaikh Abdulla and were valid only for local use.
- Lake Lefroy Cycle Express, Western Australia. From February to May 1897, this local post served the isolated newly-discovered eastern goldfields of Western Australia. A 6d orange stamp depicting a swan was issued. Between 30 and 60 are known to have survived. One sold at auction in January 1999 for US$2,070 (including auction fees).
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, U.K.
- Laurentide Air Service Ltd., Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1924.
- Lihou, Channel Islands U.K. - A local post operated from 1966 until 1969 when Guernsey stamps replaced those of Lihou. The island is reached by a quarter-mile long causeway at low tide and contains one farmhouse and the ruined Priory of Our Lady (built in 1114) which was destroyed in 1759 in advance of French invaders. In 1922, an Iodine factory (using locally gathered vraic - or seaweed) was built on the grounds of the farmhouse. The Germans used the farmhouse as target practice by their heavy artillery during the occupation of the Channel Islands in World War II, but it was rebuilt after the war. Since 1995, Lihou and the tiny islet of Lihoumel have been a Nature Conservation area owned by the States of Guernsey.
- Llanberis Lake Railway, Wales, U.K. More info needed.
- Local Post Collectors Society, Florida U.S.A.
- Lokalförsändelser, Norrköping, Sweden. A small local post that briefly operated in 1945. 2 stamps with values of 4 öre and 8 öre showing the Town Hall were issued.
- Lokalposten, Norrköping, Sweden. A small local post that briefly operated in 1945. 2 stamps with values of 4 öre and 8 öre showing a textile mill were issued. Color errors for collectors were also produced.
- London, Brighton & South Coast Railway, U.K.
- London Ontario to London England flight, Canada. Semi-official 25c airmail issue. The flight stopped en route at Harbour Grace. It took off again September 5 1927, but never reached its destination.
- London Transport Corporation, London U.K. Newspaper parcel stamps.
- Lord Howe Island Courier Post (ZEMAIL), Lord Howe Island, New South Wales, Australia. Established in December 1998. An idyllic tropical island located between Australia and New Zealand. Originally, Australia Post tried to suppress this new local post, but they backed down and dropped their legal action after the case was referred to Australia's Consumer and Competition Commission. Australia Post has an office on the island, but no local delivery - that's where LHICP came in. ZEMAIL means zero-emissions mail, in reference to the electric powered delivery van that was operated by LHICP. The local post ceased operation sometime in 2002. Hawai'i Post was the overseas agent for them and Lord Howe Island stamps, booklets and FDC's are still available through them until stocks run out at Lord Howe Island Courier Post. see images
- Lviv, Ukraine - provisional overprinted Russian stamps issued in 1992. Beware of forgeries.
- Mafeking, South Africa. A local post started during a siege of this town in 1900. Stamps were later accepted internationally. Colonel (later General then Lord) Baden-Powell was the Commander in charge of Mafeking - he is famous for starting the Boy Scouts movement.
- M.A.I., Romania. The Ministerul Afacerilor Interne (Ministry of Domestic Affairs) a branch of the Securitate (Secret Police) issued special stamps during the 1950's and 1960's which were used on secret official mail from the Ministry to local offices. All mail was supposed to be destroyed after being read, but some philatelic-minded officials saved the stamps and covers. Three denominations are known - 1 leu, 1.50 lei and 5 lei.
- Maldive Islands. From the first issues in1906 until 1967, all international mail (other than to India or Ceylon) had to have Ceylon stamps attached also. So the stamps prior to 1967 were local issues. In 1967, the Maldive Islands joined the U.P.U. and their stamps were then accepted for international mail.
- Maple Leaf Strike Service, British Colombia, Canada. 1975 mail strike issues.
- Maryport & Carlisle Railway Company, England U.K. First issued stamps in February 1891, with the last issue in 1920.
- McGreely's Express, Dyea-Skagway, Alaska. A local post used by miners of the Klondike Gold Rush for a short time in 1898. One 25c blue stamp was issued depicting a dog-sled team with snow-capped mountains in the background.
- Metro Emergency Mail Dispatch, British Colombia, Canada. 1973 mail strike issues.
- Midland Railway, U.K.
- Milan, Italy. Local stamps were issued by this city in northern Italy in 1897.
- Monte Bello Islands, Queensland, Australia. Only 1993 stamp issues known. More info needed.
- Moose Jaw Flying Club Ltd., Manitoba, Canada. Semi-official non-denominated $1 airmail issue for a flight from Moose Jaw to Winnipeg on August 17 1928.
- Murray Steamship Navigation Company, New South Wales & Victoria, Australia. see images
- Mykolayiv, Ukraine - provisional stamps issued in 1992.
- New Mexico Local Post System. Local stamps were issued by Lee Peters, a stamp collector, in the 1970's in New Mexico, USA. The imperforate stamps show names of different Indian reservations in New Mexico - Acoma, Hopi, San Ildefonso and Zia tribes. More information needed as to their actual use.
- Nieuwe Republik (New Republic), South Africa. An independent Boer republic from 1886 to 1888 with a local post. International mail had to have Natal or Transvaal stamps attached also.
- Northern Air Service, Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issue 1925.
- Opatow, Poland. Local stamps were issued by this city in Southern Poland in 1918.
- Oxford, University of, U.K. An Act of Parliament in 1656 allowed delivery of mail within and between colleges by messengers. Stamps were issued starting in 1871 and ceased in 1886. All Soul's College (1884-1886), Balliol College (1885 stamp prepared for use but never issued), Exeter College (1882-1886 postal cards only), Hertford College (1879-1886), Keble College (1871-1886), Lincoln College (1877-1886) & Merton College (1876-1886). The messenger system continues to the present day without any stamps. For reference, "College Stamps of Oxford and Cambridge" by Raymond Lister. Published in 1974 by Harry Hayes, 48 Trafalgar Street, Batley, Yorkshire U.K.
- Overseas Courier Service, British Colombia, Canada.
- Pago Pago-Manu'a. A stamp-like sticker put on covers of the 35th Anniversary of the First Air Mail flight from Pago Pago, American Samoa to Manu'a, Wallis & Futuna Islands. see images
- Patricia Airways & Exploration Ltd., Ontario, Canada. Semi-official airmail issues 1926-1928.
- Peru - a list of local posts.
- Pietersburg, South Africa. Local stamps (inscribed "Z AFR REP") were used from March 20th to early May 1901, by the Transvaal Government which had previously withdrawn from Pretoria after the British forces took over.
- Portsmouth-Southsea and Isle of Wight Aviation Ltd., Hampshire U.K. A 1930's air ferry service, using stamps for parcels.
- Prague, Czechoslovakia. Local stamps were issued by this capital city in 1918. This local post was operated by Boy Scouts.
- Railway Preservation Society of Ireland. Stamps depicting locomotives ssued as a fundraiser,
- Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Railway, Kent U.K.
- Russia - Zemstvos or Zemstvos, there were many rural posts in the 19th century.
- Samoa Express, Kingdom of Samoa - A local post from 1877 to 1881 with its own stamps (beware of forgeries and prolific reprints).
- Sandia Crest, New Mexico U.S.A. Mid-1950's - info needed.
- Scott Base, Antarctica. Local stamps issued by the Armed Forces Canteen Council 1988-1994 - no New Zealand Post facilities were available.
- Shanghai Post, China. 1865-1896.
- Silverton Tramway Co. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. More info needed.
- Smolensk, Russia. Surcharged Russian stamps were issued by this city in western Russia for local use in 1922.
- Sosnowice, Poland. Local stamps were issued by this city in southern Poland in 1916.
- South African Railways. 1960's parcel stamps.
- Southern Railway, U.K.
- South Kasai (Sud-Kasai), Congo. - a breakaway province with it's own overprinted stamps in 1961.
- Stanleyville, Congo. The local stamps were issued by rebels controlling this area in the early 1960's.
- Stern Parcel Service, British Colombia, Canada. Prepaid shipping from Vancouver BC to U.S.A. and then onward carriage to international destinations.
- Swiss Hotel stamps. More info needed.
- Swiss Railways. Parcel stamps.
- Syndicat Francais des Nouvelles Hebrides. An interisland postal system with stamps similar to the previous Australasian New Hebrides Company, but only lasted about a month from September 1903 before the stock was confiscated by the New Caledonian Government. Stamps cancelled later than October 1903 are "favor" cancels.
- Tabriz, Azerbaijan. A local post operated in 1897 and early 1898.
- Tibet - all stamps issued from 1912-1950 were local stamps. For Tibetan Government in exile, India see Type 2 Cinderellas (below).
Click here for interesting Tibet website with images.
- Trinidad, West Indies - a local non-denominated stamp (which sold for 5c) was issued in 1847 to transport letters on the sailing ship "S.S. Lady McLeod" between Port of Spain and San Fernando.
- Turkmenistan - the current stamp issues being offered are coming from more than one source. Be very cautious about buying stamps from this country that are not listed in any reputable stamp catalog (such as Scott, Michel, Gibbons etc.) Stamps that say "Republic Turkmenistan" (and not just "Turkmenistan") are questionable.
- U.S.A. - There were many local posts in the 19th century. Does someone have a website that I can link to?
- Valle Bormida, Italy. 1945 local post run by C.L.N. (Comitati Liberazioni Nazionale) - an anti-Fascist group.
- Vicicongo, Belgian Congo. Railway stamps issued between 1939 and 1940.
- Viet Cong, Vietnam. 69 stamps were issued and used by the South Vietnamese communists from 1963 to 1976. A genuine local post.
- Welshpool & Montgomery Railway, Wales, U.K. More info needed.
- Western Canada Airways Ltd., Canada. 1927 semi-official airmail issues for use in Alberta, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Ontario & Saskatchewan.
- West Somerset Railway, Somerset U.K.
- XL Petroleum Private Post. Stamps used during an Australian Postal strike in 1981. see images
- Yukon Airways & Exploration Ltd., Canada. 1927 semi-official airmail issues for use in British Columbia & Yukon.
This list is not complete. I would appreciate input from viewers. Please e-mail me
(see top of this page for an explanation of all three types)
A few of the following may possibly be upgraded to the above column once more information is known. Your help is needed. Please e-mail me.
- Ababa Local Post. Space stamps - more info needed.
- Abhkazia (Republic of Abkhasia) - A breakaway region of the Republic of Georgia in Central Asia. A Russian visitor to Abhkazia has confirmed to the webmaster by e-mail that stamps are being issued and used for a local post. However, there are also stamp issues being offered on the stamp market bearing the name Abhkazia which are bogus. Caution is advised in buying any stamps of Abhkazia until there is clarification on which issues were officially issued by the breakaway region for the local post and which are bogus. The U.P.U. has declared these issues as "illegal" in the UPU Circular #50.
- Achterdijk. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Adjara (Adjaria). A region of the Republic of Georgia in Central Asia. The U.P.U. has declared these issues as "illegal" in the UPU Circular #50.
- Adjudani. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Afghanistan. News reports state that Afghan Government Officials have not authorized the issue of many stamps on the market that bear their country's name. Caution is advised in buying any stamps of Afghanistan until there is clarification on which issues were officially issued by the Government and which are bogus. Women in Afghanistan are required to be heavily veiled, so you can bet that the Government did not authorize a Princess Diana stamp issue where she is wearing a low-cut dress!
- Ailinglapalap (scroll down) - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Aldabra, Kingdom of. Fantasy issues by Mr. Mark Rose of Seattle, Washington USA.
- Al Tawal, Arabia. More info needed on these issues from a disputed zone.
- Alexandria. Bogus issue 1964.
- Alpenvorland-Adria. Bogus post-WWII issues. The German Philatelic Society says these were privately produced to defraud collectors.
- Aluala. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Amis & Amants. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Amurskaya, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Ankh-Morpork, U.K. Fantasy issues.
- Antarctic cinderellas or Antarctica.
- Antarctic Confederation of City Republics - a fantasy stamp creation (as its name implies).
- Antarctic Confederation of Federal Territories - a fantasy stamp creation (as its name implies).
- Antiqua. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Arawakia, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Arky of Toast, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Ascension AAF Local Post.
- Assab, Ethiopia. More info needed.
- Asselijn. Fantasy issues created for an Amsterdam Gallery by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Atlantis. Fantasy issues of the 1930's.
- Atlantium (previously Atlantian), Empire of, Australia. Fantasy issues from 1981 onwards.
- Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service. Cinderellas.
- Bältespännarna (Swedish Cinderella Collectors Club), Stenhamra, Sweden.
- Banana, Republica de. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Barcentrum. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Bardom, Kingdom of. Fantasy issues from 1989. Falls Church, Virginia, U.S.A.
- Bardsey, Wales U.K. The island is a Nature Reserve situated 3 km from the mainland and covers 450 acres. It contains the ruins of a 6th century monastery and a lighthouse. There are 11 houses (built in 1870) on the island, but they contain no permanent population, and are rented out to tourists (mostly bird watchers) by the Bardsey Island Trust in the summer months. A ferry for tourists runs from Aberdaron on the mainland, during the summer. The labels bearing the name "Bardsey" serve no purpose whatsoever and they were not issued by the Trust or anyone on the island. In fact Royal Mail currently has a service to and from the island, so no local post is necessary. However, the island shop does have some of these labels for sale to unwitting tourists. see images
- Bardsley Island, U.K. - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Batum - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus. There have been no genuine local stamps from Batum since 1920 when stamps were issued under British occupation. After 1920, USSR stamps were used.
- Batumi. A region of the Republic of Georgia in Central Asia. The U.P.U. has declared these issues as "illegal" in the UPU Circular #50.
- Belmont Scout Mail, New Zealand.
- Bernera Islands, Scotland U.K. There is an island called "Great Bernera" in the Western Isles of Scotland (with a population of about 300) that is reached by a short bridge from the Isle of Lewis. Plus a very small islet called "Little Bernera". The first labels were produced by the Laird of the islands - Le Compte Robin de la Lanne Mirrlees - in the 1960's or 1970's. The present day labels being offered are bogus, as the islands currently do not have or need a local post. see images
- Beverwyk, Netherlands. More information needed.
- Bimbeck, England U.K. More information needed.
- Bjorn Oya (Bear Island), New Jersey U.S.A.. 1960's.
- Bokhara, The Khanate of. Fantasy issues.
- Bolt Post, Gig Harbor, Washington U.S.A. Faux Postal Label (their own description). see images
- Bounty Island - Fantasy issues.
- Bouvet Island, Norway - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Bug Post, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Buriatia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Jerry Burkhart, California U.S.A. - cinderella dealer.
- Cadaques. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Cadillac Post- established 1953 in Daretown, New Jersey, U.S.A.
- Calf of Man, Isle of Man U.K. A few issues in the 1960's, but only a lighthouse and two houses on this small rock and nature preserve off the southern tip of the Isle of Man. see images
- Calve Island, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Cam Iar, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Canada Postal Strike Label, private mail - maybe a genuine usage during a postal strike - more info needed
- Canna, Inner Hebrides, Scotland U.K. Five miles long and one mile wide. Farming and Tourism sustain the island. The National Trust for Scotland owns it. More information needed.
- Caprio. 14 year-old boy's fantasy post. Verona, New Jersey, U.S.A..
- Carn Iar, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Cheviot Local Post, Ohio U.S.A. - 1971 until ?
- Christchurch Pigeon Post, New Zealand. Fund-raising labels produced 1978-1984 by the Philatelic Foundation Christchurch to pay off debts.
- Clara Rothe Company, St. Thomas-Puerto Rico. There was a Clara Rothe steamer, and she carried mails between St. Thomas and St. Croix, and on a few occasions from St. Thomas to Puerto Rico. But this was only a temporary arrangement, and no stamps were required or used. At the time the stamps were issued the ship was already under a new name as a Haitian gunboat participatating in revolutions, and was blockading, and sometimes bombarding, certain ports on the Haitian coast. There were nine values printed and perforated 10.5 in Paris, France and they are all frauds.
- Clarcona-Ocoee Rocket Mail, Florida U.S.A. (scroll down) - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Clausland, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Clauslandia, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Cleveland Zoo, Ohio, U.S.A. Fundraising labels. see images
- Colorado Ghost Post, U.S.A. 1970's.
- Colorado Local Post, U.S.A. 1978-1984. Labels "created .... strictly in the spirit of fun".
- Conch Republic, Florida Keys, U.S.A. A fantasy stamp creation.
- Croatian Government in exile. Labels issued in the 1950's as a fund-raiser for the campaign to overthrow Tito's Communist Government in Yugoslavia.
- Czernawoda. More information needed.
- Czyl's Penny Post, U.S.A. Philatelic only. see images
- Dagestan, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Danish Christmas seals, Denmark.
- Davaar, Scotland U.K. The current stamp issues being offered are bogus. The town of Campbeltown, Argyllshire lies in a sheltered bay with a small island called Davaar that can be walked to at low tide. The island is uninhabited apart from Lighthouse keepers. see images
- Dean's Private Post, New York - 1970 until ?
- Delft, Netherlands. More information needed.
- Dhufar, Oman, Middle East. Another sand dune issue. Supposedly issued by a rebel group in exile.
- Doland. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Drake's Island, Devon U.K. More information needed.
- Dubrovnik, Croatia- the stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Easdale Island, Scotland U.K. - the island residents of this old slate quarry claim that this is not a genuine local post.
- East & West Kunstland. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Ekko stamps. A very interesting webpage on these cinderellas from radio stations in the 1920's to 1940's.
- Elfland, a fantasy stamp creation.
- EnenKio Atoll, Kingdom of (Wake Island). 100% of this island in the Central Pacific Ocean is currently occupied by the U.S. military. The original natives (who were deported by the U.S. Government to the Marshall Islands) claim the island was taken from them illegally and they are fighting an uphill battle in the courts to regain control. Any stamps that may be issued will be more of a fund-raiser and a political statement rather than a genuine local post - until the U.S. military departs.
- Enotria, New Berlin, Connecticut U.S.A. Philatelic only. see images
- Epe, Stadspost, Netherlands. More information needed.
- Eriskay, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Etat Domino. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- ETR Local Post, Grand Turk, Turks & Caicos Islands.
- ETR Local Post, Ascension, South Atlantic Ocean.
- Euskal Herriko Errepublica (also known as "Republica del Pais Vasco", Basque, North Spain, Europe). Not a local post, stamps issued as a fund-raiser and political statement. Denominations in Euros.
- Eynhallow (Holy Island), Orkney Islands, Scotland U.K. see images
- Fantippo. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Ferrymead Railway, Christchurch, New Zealand. Local post stamps of some kind exist - not much info at the website.
- Fireside Local Post, Ohio U.S.A.
- Flannan Island, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Flat Holm, Wales U.K. More information needed.
- FMF Local Post, Fort Myers, Florida U.S.A.
- Fort Findlay Local Post, Fort Findlay, Ohio U.S.A. July 21-22 1962. Mail was carried from the Stamp Show to the Fort Findlay Post Office. Re-opened from December 16 1962 to January 1 1963.
- Frandia. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Joe Frasketi's Space Covers, Florida U.S.A.
- Free Vinland Republic - fantasy issues.
- Gagauzia, Moldova - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Gairsay, Orkney Islands, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Gigha, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Gilligan's Island. A fantasy issue inspired by the TV series. see images
- Glenbrook Vintage Railway, Auckland, New Zealand. No information about stamps at their website, but local post stamps of some kind exist - more info needed.
- Glenveigh. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Gnostis. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Goat Island, Engand U.K. More information needed.
- Gopshe. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Great Island. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Greenpeace, - more of a fund-raiser than a local post.
- Gruinard, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Grunay, Shetland Islands, Scotland U.K.
- Gugh, Isles of Scilly U.K. - Stamps issued have a very limited use as Gugh is a tiny islet with only 2 homes that can be walked to at low tide from the island of St. Agnes, which has a very small population. See map.
- Den Haag (The Hague), Netherlands. More info needed.
- Have a Happy Day Local Post, Parkforest Illinois U.S.A. 1970's.
- Heston Island, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Hilbre Island, Cheshire U.K. One of three tiny islands about a mile off West Kirby in the Wirral. It is a nature reserve, and contains some small holiday bungalows and a derelict lifeboat station. Access is at low tide via a causeway, by foot for naturalists or by car for owners of the bungalows. There is no boat access. There is absolutely no need for any local post service as the Royal Mail Post Office is only a mile away in West Kirby. Hilbre island has no permanent resident population. Therefore the labels issued serve no purpose.
- Hildasay, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Hood's Local Post. Forest Hills, New York, U.S.A.
- Iles des Sourds. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Inchmarnock Island, Scotland U.K. - A stamp was issued on July 26 2000 by a ham radio enthusiast. More info needed as to its actual use. see images
- Ingushetia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Insufficient Postage, satirical stamps.
- International Council of Independent States - Fantasy issues.
- Iona, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Iso, Sweden - an island in the Baltic Sea with its own local stamps - more info needed.
- Istria, Yugoslavia. More info needed.
- Ittoqqoortoormit (scroll down) - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Ivigut, Greenland. There is an "Ivigtut" in Greenland. More info needed.
- Jantar. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- JCM Museum Shop - Impressive list of "artistamps" with images.
- Jermend. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Jewish Republic, Siberia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Joost Veerkamp, Netherlands - artistamps.
- Jordans Bicycle Express. Junior High School students project in Palo Alto, California, U.S.A.
- Jordans Penny Post, St. Louis Missouri U.S.A. 1950's.
- Kalmykia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Kamchatka, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Karakalpakia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Karelia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Karjala, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Katibo. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Kemp Land - Fantasy issues.
- Kernow, England U.K. "Kernow" is the Cornish name for Cornwall which is a large county in southwest England and is well served by Royal Mail. Any "labels" with the name "Kernow" are probably politically inspired for Cornwall independence (highly unlikely).
- King David Island. 1997 labels printed by a New Jersey, U.S.A. stamp dealer celebrating his wedding.
- Kiwi Letter Express, New Zealand.
- Kodiak Island, Alaska. - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Komi, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Kurdistan, Turkey. Issues by the revolutionary Kurds. More info needed as to whether they actually were used in rebel-held areas.
- Kuril Islands, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Kustendje. More information needed.
- Labrador, Canada. A U.S. company claimed to have received a charter from the governments of the U.S.A. and Newfoundland to develop the Province. Turned out be a lie and the Canadian Government siezed the stamps.
- Land of Lincoln Local Post, Illinois U.S.A.
- Lark Local Post, Oshkosh Wisconsin U.S.A. 1980's.
- Lichaam en Geest. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Liegerland, Republic of - Fantasy issues.
- Lincoln Isles. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Lindisfarne, England U.K. More information needed.
- Lomar, Republic of - a fantasy nation.
- Long Island, Ireland.
- Lo Stato di Mangiare. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Maasland, Netherlands. More info needed.
- Mad Island, Texas. - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Maluku Selatan, Republik (South Moluccas), Indonesia. - bogus issues of a fantasy nation.
- Mamaroneck Local Post, New York. 1971.
- Mars Courier a fantasy stamp creation.
- Marshall Islands, Central Pacific Ocean. Several issues were printed in 1979 (prior to the establishment of an independent postal service in 1984). They are considered questionable. More information would be welcome as to their actual use - if any. Issues from this country 1897 to 1916 (under German control) and from1984 to the present are genuine.
- Martian Postal Union, Government of Mars Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico U.S.A. Has anyone seen these 1997 fantasy issues?
- Mercury Bay, New Zealand.
- Messina-Reggio Earthquake Il Terremoto Calabro-Siculo - fund-raising labels.
- Mevu, Republic of - Fantasy issues.
- Mistral Poste Locale, Medford, Oregon, U.S.A. Issues with Art as its theme.
- Moon, (scroll down) - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Moon Island, Norway. - a fantasy stamp creation. see images
- Mordovia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Muck,Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Muggy, Land of - Fantasy issues.
- My Bonnie. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Na Biednych, Poland. Charity labels with images of Polish heroes.
- Nadorp. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Nagaland, India - Civil War propaganda labels. see images
- NASA Local Post, Florida U.S.A.
- NASA Local Post, Texas U.S.A.
- Nhong, Asia. More info needed.
- Nick's Local Post Runners Express, Sanibel Island Florida U.S.A. 1986.
- Nijmegen, Netherlands. More info needed.
- Nininltna, Alaska U.S.A. - Fantasy issues by author Dana Stabenow.
- Noelandia, a fantasy stamp creation.
- North Pole, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Oak Knoll Local Post, Pasadena California U.S.A.
- Oblivium, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Obsessio Stampalia, Free State of. - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Occussi-Ambeno - Bogus labels issued privately by someone posing as the Occusi-Ambeno Consul General in Auckland, New Zealand. A few collectors were fooled for a while, until the the philatelic press caught on. Occusi-Ambeno is actually an enclave on the island of Timor that is now part of independent East Timor. It was occupied by Indonesia when the labels were issued. Read the story behind these bogus labels here.
- Old Lighthouse Local Post, Delaware U.S.A. - 1970-1973.
- Oman, State of. - "'State of Oman' issues are bogus" claimed the Sultanate of Oman's PTT Director in Linn's Stamp News, 31 May 1971, pp 37, 42. The correct name of the country is "Oman" (formerly the Sultanate of Muscat and Oman) and their stamps are genuine.
- Oregon Centennial Covered Wagon Mail, Oregon U.S.A.
- Orlando Local Post, Florida U.S.A. - cinderellas.
- Organisasi Papua Merdeka, West Papua (Irian Jaya, Indonesia). Organization for Free Papua Movement with its own issues. A very interesting webpage about the political struggle in West Papua.
- Orlando Local Post, Florida U.S.A. - 1998 fantasy issues by Rick Scott.
- Oxford Cinderellas, New Zealand. A cinderellas dealer.
- Pacific Confederation of City Republics. Bogus labels.
- Pacific Confederation of Federal Territories. Bogus labels.
- Padania, Federal State of, Italy. Political labels - not a local post.
- Pais Vasco, Republica del (also known as "Euskal Herriko Errepublica", Basque, North Spain, Europe). Not a local post, stamps issued as a fund-raiser and political statement. Denominations in Euros.
- Pasta. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Patriot Hills, Antarctica - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Penway Local Post, Maryland U.S.A.
- Pineapple Post, Hawai'i U.S.A. - labels were put on a Honolulu stamp dealer's outgoing mail for fun. Not a real local post.
- Planet Xuxa. - fantasy stamp creations showing TV-star "Xuxa" from Brazil.
- Poca Post - fantasy issues.
- Polar Bear Local Post 1980's. Alaska, U.S.A.
- Pooch Local Post, Los Gatos, California U.S.A.
- Port Maria, Republic of - fantasy issues.
- Privatpost Galafuji, Alaska - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Puffin Island, Wales U.K. More information needed.
- Quail Island, New Zealand. A recreation reserve in Lyttleton Harbour. More info needed.
- Railway Local Post, Illinois. More info needed.
- Rainbow Creek, State of, Victoria Australia. A short-lived secessionist state in 1979. Tom Barnes owned a farm near Rainbow Creek in Gippsland. In 1979 floods devastated his land. At first, the State of Victoria refused to help the farmers in the region. So, Tom Barnes declared his farm the State of Rainbow Creek, and printed his own stamps and passports to raise funds. After a public uproar, the Victorian Government relented and paid the farmers adequate compensation. In order to be receive his share of the funds, Tom Barnes had to give up his idea of a secessionist state.
- Ramsay, Wales U.K. More information needed.
- Raoul, Republic of - fantasy issues.
- Rausch Post, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Redonda, Antigua & Barbuda, West Indies - a small island and nature preserve, part of the country of Antigua & Barbuda, with no permanent human population and no Post Office building (or any other building for that matter) - but lots of stamps from 1979 to present. It is said that you can have your very own Redonda stamp printed for a mere US$10,000 !
- Rigastamps, Ohio U.S.A.
- Rocky Run Local Post, Chantilly, Virginia U.S.A.
- Royal New Zealand Air Force Aviation Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand. Fund-raising labels for the Museum.
- Rups. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Russia - so many bogus issues exist that the UPU has set up an enquiry into them. The majority of those known to be bogus are listed here.
- Saaremaa, Estonia. More info needed.
- Sabor of the Midland. Labels (that look like stamps) issued in 1933 by the Midland Company of Dubuque, Iowa to honor the 20th anniversary of Mr. Russell Sabor's employment with the firm. Does anyone know what "LACOAIRLUSTR" means at the bottom of each label?
- Sabot. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- St. Kilda, Scotland U.K. The National Trust for Scotland owns this island. The entire 36 inhabitants were evacuated to the mainland in 1930. The only current population are those who man a missile tracking radar station. A stamp was issued on July 26 2000 by a ham radio enthusiast. More info needed as to its actual use. see images
- St. Martin's, Isles of Scilly U.K. There is a sub-Post Office of Royal Mail on the island, so local stamps do not fill any postal need. See map.
- St. Mary's, Isles of Scilly U.K.There is a sub-Post Office of Royal Mail on the island, so local stamps do not fill any postal need. See map.
- St. Nicholas Post, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Sahara - obviously bogus.
- Samson, Isle of. Uninhabited island, one of the Isles of Scilly U.K.
- Sandia Crest Local Delivery, New Mexico U.S.A.
- Sandzak (part of Serbia and Montenegro) cinderellas.
- Santa Claus Post, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Santalandia, a fantasy stamp creation. see images
- Santavakia, a fantasy stamp creation. see images
- Savage Republic, a fantasy stamp creation. see images
- Schiermonnikoog (scroll down) - fantasy issues.
- Sedang, Kingdom of All the - fantasy issues.
- Sevateem Post, (scroll down) - fantasy issues.
- Shades Stamp Shop Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand.
- Shetland, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Shire Post - fantasy issues.
- Shrub Oak Local Post, & Shrub Oak Local Dog Post, New York U.S.A. - 1950's onwards, operated by the late Herman Hearst for fun. see images
- Shuna, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Skomer, Wales U.K. More information needed.
- Slavonia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Slobovia. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Snowflakia, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Snowginia, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Snowklahoma, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Snow Land, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Snow York, a fantasy stamp creation. see images
- Soay, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Solidarity Movement, Poland. Propaganda labels.
- Somaliland - a modern fantasy nation with bogus issues. The correct current name of the country is "Somalia" which is a combination of the former territories of British Somaliland (stamps ceased in 1960) and Italian Somaliland (stamps ceased in 1960).
- South Osetia (South Ossetia). A region of the Republic of Georgia in Central Asia. The U.P.U. has declared these issues as "illegal" in the UPU Circular #50. In 2008, after a brief war, Russia wrested control away from Georgia. Issues may be forthcoming, but mail can only go via Russia, since the rest of the world does not recognize South Ossetia's independence, and the border with Georgia is closed.
- Stadspost, Apeldoorn, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Staffa, Scotland U.K. An uninhabited island according to a local Sottish travel guide.
- Steep Holm, Avon U.K. - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus. An uninhabited rock off Weston-Super-Mare.
- Stein. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Stroma, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Stullia, Scotland U.K. - fantasy issues.
- Sung Ting. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Taransay, Scotland U.K. More information needed.
- Tatarstan, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Terra Candella, U.S.S.R. - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Territories Caluda. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Thomond, Principality of, Ireland. Fantasy issues 1961-1966, related to the Dalcassian claim to the land that is part of Shannon Airport, Ireland.
- Thousand Islands Local Post, Ontario Canada.
- Thulamela, South Africa - archaeological site labels.
- Tibetan Government in exile, India. Not a local post, stamps issued as a fund-raiser and political statement. see images
- Timaru Local Post, New Zealand.
- Tortuga Local Post, Miami, Florida, USA. Bogus issues serving no purpose.
- Toyland, a fantasy stamp creation.
- Tristan Da Cunha - local one-penny potato stamp issued in 1946.
- Tropides Islands. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Tui Tui - fantasy issues. see images
- Tuva or Touva, Central Asia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus. Not to be confused with the genuine stamps of Tannu Tuva (later part of USSR) issued 1926-1933. Renamed Tyva in 1993 with its own government and an independent foreign policy. However, Tyva has not started issuing its own stamps again. Since the official country's name is TYVA, any modern stamps that say TUVA or TOUVA are obviously bogus.
- Udmurtia, Russia - the current stamp issues being offered are bogus.
- Uganda - A stamp depicting a Crane (bird) and 2 palm trees with a value of 1 Shell was issued in the 1890's, but nothing is known of its creator or use. Cowries (or shells) were legal currency in Uganda until 1896.
- Upper Yafa, Sultanate of - fantasy issues.
- Utrecht, Netherlands. More info needed.
- Volunteer State Local Post, Nashville Tennessee U.S.A. 1970's.
- Vojvodina - an autonomous region in northeast Yugoslavia. More info needed.
- The Web Local Post. In 1978, mail was carried along the route of the re-enactment of the La Salle expedition.
- Weisbecker. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Western United Powers. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- West Vinland - Fantasy issues.
- Wotje - a fantasy stamp creation.
- Yteke. Fantasy issues created by artist Donald Evans, Netherlands.
- Zaanstad, Netherlands. More info needed.
- Zeppelin cinderellas.
Additions and corrections to the above lists would be greatly appreciated.
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