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The list is in alphabetical order, regardless of whether it is a genuine local post or not.
(click here to see if it is a local post, a cinderella or bogus etc.)
The first image will be a photo or map of the island or place (when available) followed by stamp images.
( Images are not to scale )
Australasian New Hebrides Co., New Hebrides
Bardsey, Wales U.K.
Bernera Islands, Scotland U.K. .
Biafra, Africa .
Bohemia Gold Mines, Oregon U.S.A.
Brecqhou, Channel Islands U.K. .
Caldey Island, Wales U.K. .
Calf of Man, Isle of Man, U.K. .
Cape Roberts Project, Antarctica - Helicopter Mail.
Christmas Island, Pacific Ocean .
Cleveland Zoo, Ohio U.S.A.
Commercial Airways Ltd., Canada
Commodore Shipping Company, Channel Islands U.K.
Concord Bicycle Co. Public Messenger Service, New Hampshire U.S.A.
Coolgardie Cycle Express Co., Western Australia
Czyl's Penny Post, U.S.A.
Davaar, Scotland U.K. .
England-Australia First Aerial Post.
Enotria, U.S.A.
Eynhallow, Scotland U.K.
Fiji Times Express .
Gilligan's Island
Guam Guard Mail
Hawai'i Post, Hawai'i U.S.A.
Herm, Channel Islands U.K. .
Hustadvika, Norway
Hutt River Province, Australia .
Inchmarnock Island, Scotland, U.K.
Jethou, Channel Islands U.K.
Juan De Fuca, Canada
Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Kaulbach Island, Canada
Lord Howe Island Courier Post, Australia .
Lublin, Poland
Lundy, U.K. .
M.A.I., Romania
Marotiri Island, New Zealand
Moon Island
Murray Steamship Navigation Co., Australia
Pabay, Scotland
Pago Pago-Manu'a Airmail, American Samoa
Polar Post
Rovaniemi (Lapland)
St. Kilda, Scotland U.K.
Savage Republic
Scouts - Jubilee Jamboree 1957, U.K.
Sealand, Europe .
Shrub Oak Local Dog Post, New York U.S.A.
Snow York
Summer Isles, Scotland U.K. .
Tibetan Government in exile, India.
XL Petroleum Private Post, Australia
Additions to the above images would be greatly appreciated.