- Alan and Linda's Postcards
- Kevin Alves - Collectors Corner.
- Auction Web (U.S.A.).
- Bahia, Brazil Postcards
- Phil Bansner - Deltiology Handbooks & Catalogs
- Parker Barrington's Postcards to Trade
- Barr's Post Card News
- Baseball Postcards, Card Collectors Company
- Philip Boileau Collectors Society
- Buenos Aires Postcards (Argentina)
- Caj's Postcards
- California Gold Rush Postcards
- Canberra Picture Postcard Collectors (Australia) (scroll left index)
- Capitol Beltway Postcard Club, Maryland U.S.A. E-mail: Tony Chaves
- Card Source, Illinois U.S.A.
- Carl Seiler's Postcard Page
- Cartophil
- Collector's SuperMall
- Curt Teich postcards, Guide to dating.
- Disneyland, Early Postcards
- E-groups - Scottish postcards.
- The Electric Postcard
- Sidney Fenemore, Wallasey U.K.
- Felix Grabowski's Postcard Gallery
- French postcards - they'll mail one from France for 6 bucks!
- Roger Harvey's Postcards
- Hawaii Postcard Club, Hawaii U.S.A.
- Hollywood Homes of the Stars Postcards
- India Postcards
- Internet Postcard & Collectible Club.
- K & B Kovers (Milestones), Ipswich Suffolk U.K.
- Jill Lampi's Postcards of the World
- Lancaster County Postcard Club, Pennsylvania U.S.A. E-mail:
- Legend Cards by Margaret Leach
- Lonely Planet Postcards
- Marcel Marchon's Postcards Switzerland
- Martino Motti, Italy - underwater postcards of the Mediterranean Sea.
- Message Board - Web-Pac Postcard & Collectible Message Board
- Moxie Postcard List
- Mucho's Postcards
- Naval Postcards
- Newsgroup: alt.collecting.postcard
- Newsgroup: bit.listserv.postcard
- Old Postcards on Compact Disk
- Overland Postcards
- Pacific Rim Postcards
- PC Design Postcards
- Playle's Online Auctions, U.S.A.
- Postcard and Paper Collectible Club of Japan - Japan.
- Postcard FAQ's
- Postcard List - To subscribe, send an e-mail to - - In the message area write "SUBSCRIBE POSTCARD" A confirmation message via e-mail will follow with instructions on how to use the service.
- Postcard Obsessed
- The Postcard Post - Airline Postcards
- Postcards & Things, Saskatchewan, Canada.
- Postcard shows. Lists North American postcard shows.
- Postcards International, Connecticut U.S.A. - vintage postcards.
- Postcard Traders Association U.K.
- Postcard World
- Postmark: The Attic.
- Prestige Postcard Service Switzerland
- Queensland Card Collector's Society, Australia.
- Racing Memorabilia Postcards
- Real Photo Postcard Stamp Box Identifier - Excellent reference source.
- Reebok's Postcard Pages, Kentucky U.S.A.
- The Rotograph Society, Georgia U.S.A. E-mail: Alvin Goldstein
- Sexton Sales, Florida U.S.A.
- Singapore Historical Postcards
- South African Postcards
- State of Mississippi Online Internet Postcard Club, U.S.A.
- Lars-Olov Stenborg's Postcards
- Susan's Postcard Page
- Jan Swart's Virtual Gallery Netherlands
- Texas Postcard Company
- The Tropical Postcard
- Tom's Postcard pages, Scotland U.K.
- TWK Enterprises Inc., New Jersey, U.S.A. - postcard auctions.
- Tucson Post Card Exchange Club
- Walt's Postcard Shop, California U.S.A.
- Web-Pac Antiques, Postcards, Ephemera and Collectibles Mall
- Web-Pac Internet Collecting Club