These websites, mostly prepared by individual collectors,
contain Postal History information and usually images:
- Antarctica - Russian cancellations.
- Antebellum Covers, Maryland U.S.A. - Civil War Postal History.
- Australasia Postal History
- The Australian Journal of Postal History,
- Australian Personal Frank Stamps - Hans Karman
- Australia, Western. The Forces, Prisoner of War & Censor Mail Bruce Haynes & Brian Pope.
- Bahamas Postal History.
- Jon & Alan Berman, U.K.
- Bosnia - Postal Services at the end of the war in Sarajevo.
- Botswana - History of the postal services
- Bow City Philatelics, Alberta Canada.
- Brazil - postal history (in Portuguese)
- Canadian & Newfoundland Stamps used in St. Pierre et Miquelon
- Cartophil
- Channel Islands, U.K. - History of the sub-post offices - David Gurney (scroll down)
- Connecticut Postal History Society, U.S.A.
- Danish Postal History
- Danish Postal History Society
- Denmark, Postal Stationery of.
- Development of the Turkish-Cypriot Posts - Jeff Ertughrul U.K.
- Dingus - Worldwide Postal History.
- East Anglian Postal History Study Circle, U.K.
- Faroe Stamp Site - Faroe Islands Postal History 1839 - present.
- Sidney Fenemore, U.K. - E-zine.
- Finland Postal History 1889 - 1918.
- Finnish Postal History by Morten Naarstad, Finland.
- France - The Pigeon Post into Paris 1870-1871 by J.D. Hayhurst O.B.E.
- France - The Pneumatic Post of Paris by J.D. Hayhurst O.B.E.
- French Cancellations.
- French Postal History, France
- French Postal History, by Thomas Berger, Switzerland.
- Gay and Lesbian History on Stamps Club U.S.A.
- Lex Geys, Netherlands.
- Great Britain, Postage Stamps of, 1840-1901 by Tim Burgess U.K.
- Guernsey, Channel Islands U.K. - 1940-1946, German Occupation and liberation.
- Hawai'i Historic Covers, Hawai'i U.S.A.
- Hawaiian Stamps, An Illustrated History - Emmett Cahill
- Hungary Postal History by Segués Francesc.
- Indiana Postal History Society, U.S.A
- India's stamps used abroad - Robert Wilson.
- Israel's Stamps, The Birth of
- Jersey's Postal History.
- La Posta, U.S.A. - U.S. Postal history magazine.
- Latvia Masa's Stamp Page Japan
- Lebanese Philatelic Archives
- Jim Mehrer, Illinois U.S.A. - U.S. Postal History auctions.
- Military Postal History Society, U.S.A.
- National Stamp Gallery, Melbourne Australia - Australian Postal History specialist.
- Nederlandse Vereniging van Poststukken- en Poststempelverzamelaars (Netherlands Society of Postal History and Postal Cancellations) - Netherlands.
- Netherlands 1891 issue - the infant Queen.
- Ohio Postal History Society, U.S.A.
- The Perpetual Calendar - for Postal Historians by Toke Norby Denmark
- Douglas Boynton Quine - Postal History Publications.
- Pacific Northwest Postal History Society, Oregon U.S.A.
- Postal History Society, Melbourne, Victoria Australia.
- Pre-stamp and stampless covers - UK.
- Rhode Island Postal History Society. U.S.A.
- RPO Postmarks, U.S.A.
- Russian cancellations - South Pole theme and Antarctic expeditions.
- St. Pierre et Miquelon - History of WWII overprints
- Stoney Creek Postal History, Canada
- Tradewinds, U.S.A. - Naval Postal History.
- United Arab Emirates.
- UK Stamps & Postal History - Martin Nicholson
- Worcester, Massachusetts Postal History, U.S.A.